Here are some books that will help your child learn about the importance of keeping their teeth healthy as well as making it fun. Melvin the Magnificent Molar This book is from the perspective of a tooth, Melvin. He teaches children how to brush and have healthy teeth. Pony Brushes His Teeth Pony learns how to brush and take care …
What is ECTD?
What is ECTD? ECTD or Early Childhood Tooth Decay is exactly what it sounds like: children’s teeth that are decaying and rotting. However, ECTD refers to baby teeth in children as young as one year. While most parents are concerned about the oral health of their kids, baby teeth early on in a child’s life can often be neglected. Teeth …
When Should My Child Start Losing Their Baby Teeth?
According to the American Dental Association, your child should start developing their primary “baby” teeth between the ages of 6 months and 1 year old. By the age of 3 most children have a full set of 20 primary teeth. Baby teeth’s lifespan is short, most kids start losing their baby teeth between the ages of five to seven years …