What Toothbrush to Choose for Children

There are a lot of toothbrushes options out there. Electric, manual, plastic, metal, brand name, cartoon characters, singing, and everything in-between. The reason there are so many toothbrushes for children is that they are all designed with the same goal in mind: to get kids to want to brush their own teeth. But how do you know what toothbrush you …

When To Look Into Getting Braces

We tend to associate braces with the awkward teenage years, and many of us have embarrassing yearbook photos to prove it. But a lot of parents don’t know that their children could need braces much earlier than expected.  There are many reasons why parents should consider booking an appointment with an orthodontist before they are teenagers because braces are not …

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe for Children?

It is no secret that most children hate going to the dentist. Parents will beg, plead and promise in order to get their children to behave with little avail. Sedation dentistry has become a popular option in order to help children deal with the anxiety and stress of getting their teeth worked on. But there are concerns when it comes …

Filling Cavities on Baby Teeth?

Filling Cavities on Baby Teeth? The question of whether or not to fill cavities in baby teeth is a very common concern. It seems somewhat pointless to invest the time and money into filling cavities on teeth that are just going to fall out. Though it may seem pointless, it actually isn’t. According to professionals in the field, the effects …