There are a lot of toothbrushes options out there. Electric, manual, plastic, metal, brand name, cartoon characters, singing, and everything in-between. The reason there are so many toothbrushes for children is that they are all designed with the same goal in mind: to get kids to want to brush their own teeth. But how do you know what toothbrush you …
When To Look Into Getting Braces
We tend to associate braces with the awkward teenage years, and many of us have embarrassing yearbook photos to prove it. But a lot of parents don’t know that their children could need braces much earlier than expected. There are many reasons why parents should consider booking an appointment with an orthodontist before they are teenagers because braces are not …
Snacking, Juice Boxes and Baby Teeth
Little kids love to drink out of their sippy cup and chew on snacks. Even as adults, we tend to find that a snack helps break up the day and can take the edge off hunger. But even though snacking and juice can seem harmless, some companies even promote their product as very healthy, all that sugar and acidity can be very …
Thumb Sucking and its Impact on Teeth
Most children suck their thumb when they are younger and we find it endearing and adorable. Kids tend to suck their thumb when they are nervous or scared, and it can be a source of comfort for them and have the same effect as a blanket does. But it isn’t until they get older that it can have a negative …
Chipping or Knocking Out Baby Teeth
It can be stressful when children lose or chip their teeth because it can be very painful. Luckily, taking certain precautions ahead of time can help with stress and managing your child’s pain as efficiently as possible. While a chipped baby tooth might not seem like a big deal because a new one will grow in, there might be more …
Is Sedation Dentistry Safe for Children?
It is no secret that most children hate going to the dentist. Parents will beg, plead and promise in order to get their children to behave with little avail. Sedation dentistry has become a popular option in order to help children deal with the anxiety and stress of getting their teeth worked on. But there are concerns when it comes …
What Age Do You Normally Lose Your Baby Teeth By?
What Age Do You Normally Lose Your Baby Teeth By? Every child is different and every child loses their last baby teeth at a different age. Some kids don’t lose their last baby teeth until they are in their early to middle teens and some kids lose them all before they leave elementary. It all depends on the genetics …
Filling Cavities on Baby Teeth?
Filling Cavities on Baby Teeth? The question of whether or not to fill cavities in baby teeth is a very common concern. It seems somewhat pointless to invest the time and money into filling cavities on teeth that are just going to fall out. Though it may seem pointless, it actually isn’t. According to professionals in the field, the effects …
Whitening Strips. Do They Really Work?
Whitening Strips. Do They Really Work? Whitening strips are always a tempting option when you are looking for just a little more shine in your smile. But are they really worth the cost and time? This has been debated often because some people seem to have amazing results and others seem to not notice a difference at all. So are …
Why Do I Grind My Teeth?
Grinding your teeth at night can leave you feeling unrested and sore the next day, making it harder to live the busy, upbeat life that you want to. Grinding your teeth is a medical condition called bruxism. Though a very common disorder, the reason for its occurrence has a large range of variation. According to WebMD, 25% of people grind …