2013 Halloween Candy Buyback Event

candy buyback
We had our first annual Halloween Candy Buyback last week! We were trying to figure out the best thing to do with all the candy that was brought in. We’ve heard of a lot of offices who send out their candy to our troops overseas. The office that Bren used to work at did that, and they spent a lot of money on postage so that they didn’t end up sending as much candy as they wanted. I’ve also been told from mothers of troops that the last thing the troops need is a box full of candy. (I’m sure the troops might think differently 😉 And we wanted to do something that would make a difference here locally. So we decided that we’d make a donation to each child’s school who came in to sell their candy back, matching it $1 for $1.
Dr. Dixon would also donate an extra $100 to the school who had the most kids come to sell their candy back.
HOOVER ELEMENTARY was the winner with a total of 24 pounds of candy sold back! IMG_0708
We’re hoping that next year we get even more candy brought in…less candy=healthier teeth and more money donated to the schools! 2013 Halloween Candy Buyback Event

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