Having an abscess in your mouth is never a fun experience. But even worse is not knowing if it is an abscess or not. Abscesses have a variety of causes, and symptoms to go along with it. Plus there is more than one type of abscess that you can develop. So how do you know if its an abscess, and …
Are X-Rays Safe for Kids?
As most of us know, starting to take your children to the dentist at a young age is a suggested practice. Though when at the dentist it is common for parents to be concerned about some of the routine procedures for their kids when they are such a young age. X-rays are one of these practices. Because of the radiation …
How Smiling Affects Health
We all smile hundreds of times during a typical day. Whether we are greeting a friend, meeting someone new, laughing at a joke, etc. we as humans tend to smile a lot. When you smile, a real genuine smile, you feel happier and your mood elevates. How is it that such a small facial movement can have such an …
Animals and Their Amazing Teeth
Like humans, teeth play a huge role in an animals life. An animal’s teeth are the determinant of what the diet is like for that animal. Some animals have amazing teeth that are a lot stronger than we would think. Below are some fun facts about animals and what their amazing teeth can do. Snails Snails actually have the most …
Should You Be Brushing Your Tongue?
Let’s start with what we already know about oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth twice a day. You should use a soft bristled brush and replace it every few months. Perfect. Now for the part, you may not want to hear. You should also be brushing your tongue. Perhaps you’ve heard brushing your tongue is a good idea. Perhaps …
All Teeth Go to Heaven
The Tooth Fairy is a childhood fictional character, similar to Santa or the Easter Bunny. When a child loses a baby tooth, they place it under their pillow, and the Tooth Fairy comes at night to exchanges the tooth for cold hard cash. Why does the Tooth Fairy desire small bits of human bone? What does she do with a …
Trick or Treat! Halloween Candy Do’s and Don’ts
Carving Pumpkins, dressing up in costumes, collecting free candy: there is no mystery why Halloween is a favorite time of the year for the kids. There is no need to spoil the fun worrying about letting your children have candy as long as you follow these few simple tips to keeping your children’s teeth healthy and cavity free! The American …
Your Amazing Tongue
Bear Creek Pediatric Dentistry Do you live in the Medford, Oregon area? Are you looking for a pediatric dentist? Stop what you are doing and call Bear Creek Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Dixon specializes in kids’ dental care. He and his staff are dedicated to providing quality dental care and will guarantee that your child feel calm and comfortable during the …
Fears and Fun of Losing Baby Teeth
Kids usually lose their first baby tooth around 5 or 6 years old. However they can start as early as 4 or as late as 8 years old. No matter when that first tooth gets loose, it is a monumental time! Every child reacts differently when they start to lose their baby teeth. Some kids get excited and can’t wait …
A Quick Guide to Avoiding Cavities
No one likes the time and pain associated with cavities, especially children. Even though Dr. Dixon has many great pediatric dental services to help this process go smoother, cavities are still no fun. To help prevent these dreaded cavities here are five helpful tips: Brush and Floss Teeth twice daily Brushing a flossing regularly prevents sugary and acidic food from …