Photo by Flickr User Scott Cresswell
Chances are, you’ve already set some great New Year’s resolutions for 2014. That’s great! But you’ve probably forgotten a very important part of yourself that also needs some careful attention this year: your teeth. Don’t stress, it’s still January, and you’ve still got time to make some goals for 2014; this time, just don’t forget your teeth! Here’s some reasons why you should take better care of your teeth this year.
1. Dental work can be painless. When you’ve got a healthy mouth, dental work doesn’t hurt! If you are cavity free and your gums are healthy, then you’re less likely to feel pain during your dental visit. However, if you rarely floss, your gums may be sore, and your teeth will be more sensitive to regular dental treatment.
2. Your teeth will last you longer. If you’re committed to taking good care of your teeth right now, then you’ll be able to keep your teeth for longer! Even little kids should think now about the teeth they want to have when they are older. If you want healthy, white teeth then start taking care of them now! Don’t wait until you’re older to make that decision.
3. Dental care can be expensive. If you haven’t noticed, dental care has remained just as expensive even during the economic lows of the past few years. Even with family-friendly dentists in Medford, Oregon, like Bear Creek Pediatric, dental care is still expensive. Save yourself some money by simply taking good care of your teeth.
These are just a few of the reasons why taking care of your teeth should be one of your top priorities for 2014! Don’t wait until your next cavity to start taking care of your teeth; you can do it now!